سه‌شنبه، اسفند ۱۱، ۱۳۸۸

weeping and screaming

Fuck you. Fuck you mother fucker assholes for shutting down the last reformist publications left in Iran. Fuck you for leaving my colleagues unemployed only a few weeks before the Persian new year. Fuck you for shutting up any voice that you find undesirable for any fucking reason. Fuck you for killing and executing my fellow countrymen and women, fuck you for imprisoning and torturing the innocent people whose only fault is that they can't take your oppression, stupidity and brutality anymore. Fuck you for forcing my people to confess to what they haven't done and what they don't believe in. Fuck you for humiliating us and bruising our dignity. Fuck you mother fucker asshole cock suckers. May you all get the fuck out of my country and burn in your own hell.

۴ نظر:

  1. عالی. بعدش می‌تونی بگی آخیش یه کم به‌تر شدم.

  2. دارم روانی می شه به خدا. جاکش ها.

  3. وای که حرف دل منو زدی. انقدر تو دلم به این کسفتای بی‌ شرف فحش میدم که حد نداره. تنها چیزیه که دلم رو خنک می‌کنه یه کم

  4. I have been sighing since I've heard it. I can't even swear.
